HappyHongKong2047 was disturbed by Tokyo2020_001



2020年4月29日 水曜日 昭和の日

香港の日没時間 6時49分
サンパウロ 朝7時49分
タイ 夜5時49分

を目安にそれぞれが happyhongkong2047 was disturbed by Tokyo2020を念頭に行為を行う


In April 29th Wednesday 2020

(It is called “Showa Day” in Japan now, and used to be the day of Showa Emperor’s Birthday. In the day always Right wing and Left wing fight against each other.This is like customs. I don’t know about this year because of Covid-19. )

The time of sunset in Hong Kong is in 6:49 PM.

The time in San Paulo (Brazil) is in 7:49 AM.

The time in Bangkok (Thailand) is in 5:49PM.

The time in Japan is in 7:49PM.

Thinking about this Time and the theme “Happy Hong Kong2047 was disturbed by Tokyo2020”, the people are making actions or performances.

(In Japan, Tokyo 2020 means “Tokyo Olympics” which are also postponed.)

If you don’t want to do this, it is OK.

Just people who are interested in this will make performances.

ATTENTION: You don’t have to care about the “EXACT” Time or timing.
During the time, Mr. Arai will be at Bigakko, where this festival was planned, because of the audience who might show up.

The deadline: May 3rd, 2020

Thank you,
Machiko Tagami





陳式森=三木(CHEN Shi Sen=Sanmu) 陳美彤(CHAN Mei Tung) 歐陽東(AU YEUNG Tung) 黎振寧(LAI Chun Ling) 杜躍(TO Yeuk)



For a performance art festival in Japan —"Happy Hong Kong 2047"Hong Kong Artist— Lai Chun Ling

正常小孩 The Originalsさんの投稿 2020年4月29日水曜日

For a performance art festival in Japan —"Happy Hong Kong 2047"Hong Kong Artist— Au Yeung Tung

正常小孩 The Originalsさんの投稿 2020年4月29日水曜日

For a performance art festival in Japan —"Happy Hong Kong 2047"Hong Kong Artist— Chan Mei Tung

正常小孩 The Originalsさんの投稿 2020年4月29日水曜日

For a performance art festival in Japan —"Happy Hong Kong 2047"Hong Kong Artist— To Yeuk

正常小孩 The Originalsさんの投稿 2020年4月29日水曜日

For a performance art festival in Japan —"Happy Hong Kong 2047"Hong Kong Artist— Chen Shisen(Sanmu)

正常小孩 The Originalsさんの投稿 2020年4月29日水曜日

For a performance art festival in Japan —"Happy Hong Kong 2047"Hong Kong Artists — Chan Mei Tung & To Yeuk

正常小孩 The Originalsさんの投稿 2020年4月29日水曜日













東京に帰り、たくみちゃん、田上真知子に相談し出演者を決めたりした。“Happy Hong Kong 2047”はサエグサユキオがつけた(2047年が香港にとってどいう年かご存じでしょう)。タイのモンコーとオーからFB経由で参加の要望が来た。


フライヤーに “延期! HAPPY HONG KONG 2047 was disturbed by TOKYO 2020”(サエグサユキオによる)シールを貼ることにし、たくみちゃんに製作を頼んだ。


わたしは今、こういう時にさえTokyo 2020の開催をデンデン(うんぬん)する安倍一派(小池都知事などの政界、財界、広告代理店に牛耳られたマスコミ)を信じることができない。


ARAI Shin-ichi went to Hong Kong in August 2019 and met CHEN Shi Sen (Sanmu) to watch a large-scale demonstration of the port town.

After returning to Japan, I wondered what I could do. 1st July 2019 Protesters entered the Hong Kong Legislative Assembly. At that time, the banner they carried was “There are no riots, only Tyranny!” It was CHEN’s calligraphy. I wanted to make a T-shirt with this. Wearing this will make us a solidarity with our people in Hong Kong and ask those who can do it to make donations.

After consulting with SATO Michio, he took care of everything from production to mail order at Hamakaze Bunko of his website and shipping them all.

In November I went to Hong Kong with our donation and 40 T-shirts. From CHEN’s house, We called a common friend TANAKA Toshi of Brazil. We knew that he will come to Japan at the Butoh event in May 2020. The three of us decided to do something in Tokyo at that time.

After returning to Tokyo, I consulted with Takumichan and TAGAMI Machiko to decide on the performers etc. “Happy Hong Kong 2047” was named by SAEGUSA Yukio (We all know what will be happen in HK 2047.) Mongkol and Aor in Thailand asked us they wanted join us via FB.

Last February TAGAMI asked me to postpone the event and to stop the flyer production, but I think the flyer itself is as important as the event (I thought that it could be held only by artists in Japan), and I talked Takumichan of the flyer production director and TAGAMI that we will do it.

7 April 2020 Received a request from Bigakko Art school to cancel.
We decided to put a sticker “Postponement! HAPPY HONG KONG 2047 was disturbed by TOKYO 2020” (by SAEGUSA Yukio) on the flyer, and asked Takumichan to make it.

I was wondering if it could be held around next October, but what about it?

I can not believe in ABE group who want to hold Tokyo 2020 even now.






パフォーマンス「37兆個が眠りに就くまえに」(収録2019.10.2 バンクーバー)









HappyHongKong2047 was disturbed by Tokyo2020_002



2020年4月29日 水曜日 昭和の日

香港の日没時間 6時49分
サンパウロ 朝7時49分
タイ 夜5時49分

を目安にそれぞれが happyhongkong2047 was disturbed by Tokyo2020を念頭に行為を行う


In April 29th Wednesday 2020

(It is called “Showa Day” in Japan now, and used to be the day of Showa Emperor’s Birthday. In the day always Right wing and Left wing fight against each other.This is like customs. I don’t know about this year because of Covid-19. )

The time of sunset in Hong Kong is in 6:49 PM.

The time in San Paulo (Brazil) is in 7:49 AM.

The time in Bangkok (Thailand) is in 5:49PM.

The time in Japan is in 7:49PM.

Thinking about this Time and the theme “Happy Hong Kong2047 was disturbed by Tokyo2020”, the people are making actions or performances.












「香港は 1997 年にイギリスから中国に返還されましたが、そのときの協定によると 2047 年まで「一国二制度」にするとしています。つまり、自由や民主主義をベースにした制度はそこまでで、その先は中国の制度が適用されそうな協定です。」





今回の僕の行為は、この企画「HAPPY HONG KONG2047」に呼応しての交感交信行為である。

なお、今回の「HAPPY HONG KONG2047」に参加予定だったアーティストは、香港の今日の日没時に合わせて行為交感。















HappyHongKong2047 was disturbed by Tokyo2020_003



2020年4月29日 水曜日 昭和の日

香港の日没時間 6時49分
サンパウロ 朝7時49分
タイ 夜5時49分

を目安にそれぞれが happyhongkong2047 was disturbed by Tokyo2020を念頭に行為を行う


In April 29th Wednesday 2020

(It is called “Showa Day” in Japan now, and used to be the day of Showa Emperor’s Birthday. In the day always Right wing and Left wing fight against each other.This is like customs. I don’t know about this year because of Covid-19. )

The time of sunset in Hong Kong is in 6:49 PM.

The time in San Paulo (Brazil) is in 7:49 AM.

The time in Bangkok (Thailand) is in 5:49PM.

The time in Japan is in 7:49PM.

Thinking about this Time and the theme “Happy Hong Kong2047 was disturbed by Tokyo2020”, the people are making actions or performances.






integrity・高潔 品位






香港を見て1時間歩く / 看香港,行走壹小時。/ Looking for HK, walking for 1 hour




An hour around the sunset, I had walked in a small mountain and looking for the direction of Hong Kong. Then some time to blow a conch and pick up a leave that is switching oxygen breathing after the sunset. The local time in Hong Kong is 1 hour behind Tokyo. So, at first, the Sun sets in Japan, then an hour later the sun sets in Hong Kong.



水面下で年号を数える /水下數年 / Counting years under water




I had counted from 2020 Tokyo to 2047 Hong Kong, then had counted from 2047 to 2020. I was shouting under the water, but my voice was less audible above the surface of the water than I had imagined. But you’ll know when you just do it.








I turned off the light of my room.
In the darkness,I opened the window.
Then I creat a haiku.

Springtime have almost gone.The darkness of my room.That’s how things go.








HappyHongKong2047 was disturbed by Tokyo2020_004



2020年4月29日 水曜日 昭和の日

香港の日没時間 6時49分
サンパウロ 朝7時49分
タイ 夜5時49分

を目安にそれぞれが happyhongkong2047 was disturbed by Tokyo2020を念頭に行為を行う


In April 29th Wednesday 2020

(It is called “Showa Day” in Japan now, and used to be the day of Showa Emperor’s Birthday. In the day always Right wing and Left wing fight against each other.This is like customs. I don’t know about this year because of Covid-19. )

The time of sunset in Hong Kong is in 6:49 PM.

The time in San Paulo (Brazil) is in 7:49 AM.

The time in Bangkok (Thailand) is in 5:49PM.

The time in Japan is in 7:49PM.

Thinking about this Time and the theme “Happy Hong Kong2047 was disturbed by Tokyo2020”, the people are making actions or performances.












日本時間19時〜19時10分に、大正琴即興独弾(《願榮光歸香港/Glory to Hong Kong》を含む)を自宅で行い、Facebookを通してライヴ配信を行った。一部は以下のリンクから見ることができる。

竹田 賢一さんの投稿 2020年4月29日水曜日









南米大陸の森よりHappy Hong Kong 2047へ
Urucum ・color of Indio
From South American Forest to Happy Hong Kong 2047

前々日 2020.4.27
交錯 微睡 大揺れ ブレブレ はずれ 間違えたと思わない 混濁の雑居 置き直し 仕切り直し 揺れ振れ響き 交信とかそんなことも考えない 内に深く鎮むことは外へ果てしなく拡がる その境域は権力に侵犯され続けてきた触れることの出来ぬ個の聖域 それって出来るの?とも問わない ベストを尽くしてやってみなければわからない

前日 2020. 4 . 28
これから彼らとともに 何かが 動く
我々に 最後に残された 無限の伝波

当日 2020. 4 . 29

7h49 AM (サンパウロに於ける香港の日没時刻)

. . . . . . . . . .

終えて 始まったのだと知る。今が終わり 始まるのだ。


後日 2020.4.30

明後日 2020.5.01


記 田中トシ サンパウロにて








HappyHongKong2047 was disturbed by Tokyo2020_005



2020年4月29日 水曜日 昭和の日

香港の日没時間 6時49分
サンパウロ 朝7時49分
タイ 夜5時49分

を目安にそれぞれが happyhongkong2047 was disturbed by Tokyo2020を念頭に行為を行う


In April 29th Wednesday 2020

(It is called “Showa Day” in Japan now, and used to be the day of Showa Emperor’s Birthday. In the day always Right wing and Left wing fight against each other.This is like customs. I don’t know about this year because of Covid-19. )

The time of sunset in Hong Kong is in 6:49 PM.

The time in San Paulo (Brazil) is in 7:49 AM.

The time in Bangkok (Thailand) is in 5:49PM.

The time in Japan is in 7:49PM.

Thinking about this Time and the theme “Happy Hong Kong2047 was disturbed by Tokyo2020”, the people are making actions or performances.






